House Ethics report finds 'substantial evidence' Gaetz violated Florida statutory rape law
Gaetz had sued the committee to stop the release of the report.
The bipartisan House Ethics Committee on Monday released a scathing report concluding its yearslong investigation into former Rep. Matt Gaetz, finding "substantial evidence" that he had sex with a 17-year-old in 2017 in violation of Florida's statutory rape law, and engaged in a broader pattern of paying women for sex.
The report also detailed evidence of illegal drug use, acceptance of improper gifts, granting special favors to personal associates, and obstruction, after Gaetz refused to comply with subpoenas and withheld evidence from the committee.
A woman testified to the committee that Gaetz had sex with her in 2017, when she was 17 and had just completed her junior year of high school, and Gaetz was in his first year in Congress. Identified only as "Victim A" in the report, the woman told investigators she received $400 in cash from the then-congressman that evening, "which she understood to be payment for sex," according to the report.
"The Committee received credible testimony from Victim A herself, as well as multiple individuals corroborating the allegation," the report says. "Victim A said that she did not inform Representative Gaetz that she was under 18 at the time, nor did he ask her age."
While many of the allegations in the committee's report have been previously reported, this is the first time the woman's direct testimony about Gaetz having sex with her when she was a minor has been made public, along with corroborating testimony from others.
Investigators noted that while the former Florida congressman has "suggested that the allegations against him have been manufactured" and had called into question Victim A's credibility, "the Committee found no reason to doubt the credibility of Victim A."
The report details that between 2017-2020, records obtained by the committee show Gaetz paid nearly $100,000 dollars to 12 different women and to Joel Greenberg, his one-time close friend who in 2021 pleaded guilty to numerous crimes, including sex trafficking Victim A.

While all the women who testified to the committee described their sexual encounters with Gaetz as consensual, according to the report, one woman raised concerns that drug use at the parties and events may have "impair[ed their] ability to really know what was going on or fully consent." Another woman told the committee, "When I look back on certain moments, I feel violated."
The report alleges that Gaetz "took advantage of the economic vulnerability of young women to lure them into sexual activity for which they received an average of a few hundred dollars after each encounter."
"Such behavior is not 'generosity to ex-girlfriends,' and it does not reflect creditably upon the House," the report reads, referencing the former congressman's previous statement dismissing the allegations as someone "trying to recategorize my generosity to ex-girlfriends as something more untoward."
"Based on the above, the Committee determined there is substantial evidence that Representative Gaetz violated House Rules and other standards of conduct prohibiting prostitution, statutory rape, illicit drug use, impermissible gifts, special favors or privileges, and obstruction of Congress," the report says.
Following the release of the report, Gaetz shared on X what appears to be a message he received from President-elect Donald Trump, though it is unclear when the message was sent.
"I got a great note from President Trump!" Gaetz wrote alongside a photograph showing what appears to be a brief message from Trump, saying, "Matt very unfair!"
Gaetz has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing. The Justice Department declined to charge him last year after a yearslong investigation into similar allegations.
Last month, Trump tapped Gaetz to serve as attorney general in the incoming administration, and Gaetz resigned his congressional seat shortly after. Gaetz subsequently withdrew his name from consideration for AG, saying his confirmation process was "unfairly becoming a distraction to the critical work of the Trump/Vance Transition."
The Ethics Committee was in the final stages of its probe into Gaetz when Trump tapped him for attorney general. The committee generally drops investigations of members if they leave office, but Gaetz's resignation prompted a fiery debate on Capitol Hill over whether the panel should release its report to allow the Senate to perform its role of vetting presidential nominations.
Following indications last week that the committee would release its report, Gaetz took to X in a lengthy post, writing in part that when he was single he "often sent funds to women" he dated and that he "never had sexual contact with someone under 18."
"It's embarrassing, though not criminal, that I probably partied, womanized, drank and smoked more than I should have earlier in life. I live a different life now," he posted. "I've never been charged. I've never been sued. Instead, House Ethics will reportedly post a report online that I have no opportunity to debate or rebut as a former member of the body."
In its report, the committee concluded that it did not find substantial evidence that Gaetz violated federal sex trafficking laws, finding that while Gaetz "did cause the transportation of women across state lines for purposes of commercial sex," investigators did not find evidence "that any of those women were under 18 at the time of travel, nor did the Committee find sufficient evidence to conclude that the commercial sex acts were induced by force, fraud, or coercion."
According to the report, the committee conducted over two dozen interviews, issued 29 subpoenas, reviewed nearly 14,000 documents, and requested information from multiple government agencies as part of its extensive investigation into the allegations.
The committee received written testimony from Greenberg but, due to credibility concerns, investigators said they would "not rely exclusively on information provided by Mr. Greenberg," according to the report.
The committee also accused Gaetz of obstructing its investigation by ignoring subpoenas, withholding documents, and declining to answer questions about the allegations.
"Representative Gaetz continuously sought to deflect, deter, or mislead the Committee in order to prevent his actions from being exposed," the report reads. "His actions undermine not only his claims that he had exculpatory information to provide, but also his claims that he intended to cooperate with the Committee in good faith. It is apparent that Representative Gaetz's assertions were nothing more than attempts to delay the Committee's investigation."
The committee had been investigating allegations that Gaetz engaged in sexual misconduct and illicit drug use, shared inappropriate images or videos on the House floor, misused state identification records, converted campaign funds to personal use, and/or accepted a bribe, improper gratuity, or impermissible gift, according to sources.
Earlier this year, the committee released a statement that it would continue its probe but would no longer pursue allegations that Gaetz "may have shared inappropriate images or videos on the House floor, misused state identification records, converted campaign funds to personal use, and/or accepted a bribe or improper gratuity."
According to the report, while several committee members did not support its release, a majority of its members voted in favor of its release on Dec. 10. In a statement at the conclusion of the report, House Ethics Chairman Michael Guest reiterated his stance against the release of the report on behalf of the dissenting members while acknowledging that he and other members do not dispute the report's findings.
"We believe and remain steadfast in the position that the House Committee on Ethics lost jurisdiction to release to the public any substantive work product regarding Mr. Gaetz after his resignation from the House on November 14, 2024," Guest wrote.
Earlier Monday Gaetz filed a lawsuit against the Ethics Committee in an effort to stop the committee from releasing its report.
"This action challenges the Committee's unconstitutional and ultra vires attempt to exercise jurisdiction over a private citizen through the threatened release of an investigative report containing potentially defamatory allegations," the filing from Gaetz said.
Gaetz in the filing asked the court to issue a temporary restraining order and a preliminary injunction to block the release of the report or any findings, which he says would cause "damage to his reputation and professional standing" that would be "immediate and severe."
"The threatened release of information believed to be defamatory by a Congressional committee concerning matters of sexual propriety and other acts of alleged moral turpitude constitutes irreparable harm that cannot be adequately remedied through monetary damages," the filing stated.
"After Plaintiff's resignation from Congress, Defendants improperly continued to act on its investigation, and apparently voted to publicly release reports and/or investigative materials related to Plaintiff without proper notice or disclosure to Plaintiff," the complaint said.
Following the report's release Monday, U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta gave Gaetz until 5 p.m. ET to show why the suit shouldn't be dismissed with prejudice for lack of jurisdiction, given "this case appears to be moot in light of the House Ethics Committee's public disclosure of the report."
In a subsequent filing, attorneys for Gaetz acknowledged that their lawsuit is now "mooted" following the release of the report -- a move they said has caused Gaetz "irreversible and irreparable harm."
The filing said the committee's decision to release the report was "unprecedented and procedurally defective," and reiterated their claim that it was released without notifying him.